Category: Press Release
Southern Center for Human Rights, Color of Change & Center for Constitutional Rights Host Virtual Day-Long Rep-A-Thon Fundraiser in Support of First Amendment Lawyer Bridge
The Southern Center for Human Rights, Color of Change, and the Center for Constitutional Rights are proud to announce its inaugural live-streamed virtual fundraiser, Rep-A-Thon, scheduled for May 4th, 2024, from noon until 6:00 PM.
UN Human Rights Review to Include Repression of Stop Cop City; Rev. Keyanna Jones to Represent in Geneva
Ahead of a review of the United States government by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the movement to Stop Cop City makes an appeal to the world claiming that the use of Domestic Terrorism and RICO statutes against activists, as well as the police killing of Manuel Paez “Tortuguita” Terán, constitute human rights violations…
Civil Rights Groups Demand Atlanta City and Law Department Officials to Cease and Desist Publication of Signed Cop City Referendum Petitions with Unredacted Names
The Legal Defense Fund, the Southern Center for Human Rights, and the Center for Constitutional Rights sent a letter demanding that Atlanta Municipal and Law Department officials to cease and desist the publication of signed referendum petitions with unredacted names, signatures, and other personal information.